PLEASE NOTE: This is the UK version. If you require the US version, please visit our store.
24 Printable worksheets - Telling the time. There are also templates included so that you can create your own written worksheets or alternatively, children can create their own questions for a partner to solve.
* Telling the time booklet name page (b&w)
* Telling the time booklet name page (colour)
* Create your own clock (with numbers)
* Create your own clock (without numbers)
* 12-hour digital to analogue (1 minute intervals)
* 12-hour digital to analogue (5 minute intervals)
* 24-hour digital to analogue (1 minute intervals)
* 24-hour digital to analogue (5 minute intervals)
* 12-hour digital to analogue (1 minute intervals)
* Analogue to digital time
* Time domino game
* Create your own time domino game (template)
* Time in real life (reasoning)
* Create your own converting time grid (template)
* Converting time grid
* Match the time
* Create your own match the time (template)
* Converting written time
* Create your own converting written time (template)
* Real-life time events (reasoning)
* Convert your own time- analogue and digital (template)
* Fill in the clock - with minute intervals
* Time elapsed
* Create your own time elapses (template)
* Time terminology word search
PDF format (when printing please set the size option to actual size).
Your feedback is really important to us. We provide quality products at affordable prices and really would appreciate your feedback. With that in mind, please be kind enough to spare a minute or two to leave feedback on this product as it will help us improve our service to you the customer.
Primary Stars Education
This bundle contains week 1 & week 2 of Multiplication & subtraction - Block 1.
Buy this bundle to save 20%!
It will cover small steps:
Week 1:
• Make equal groups - sharing
• Make equal groups - grouping
• Divide by 2
Week 2:
• Odd and even numbers
• Divide by 5
• Divide by 10
You will receive everything you need - lesson plans, presentation for the whole week, differentiated worksheets & answers, differentiated activities and extensions, templates and displays for your own resource creation.
PDF format (please set print option to fit).
To ensure the hyperlinks fully work, you must download the Zip file provided and extract the folder to your computer. You must also ensure you have the latest update for your PDF reader.
The resources support a mastery approach to encourage a deeper understanding of the topics taught. It follows a CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach to ensure all children can access learning. The pack provides pictorial and abstract representations, along with fluency, reasoning, problem solving and open-ended investigation questions. This can be seen in our product previews.
If you have any questions, please email
Click here to join our exclusive Facebook group.
Thank you,
Primary Stars Education
We created this MEGA bundle to provide you, our customers, with a cost effective Measurement MEGA Bundle which includes all of our individual Measuring Packs available from our store.
Included Packs:
Measuring Area
Measuring Capacity
Measure Charts/Posters
Measuring Length
Money Pack
Measuring Perimeter
Measuring Temperature
Time Pack
Measuring Volume
Measuring Weight
PDF format (please set print option to fit).
Your feedback is really important to us. We provide quality products at affordable prices and really would appreciate your feedback. With that in mind, please be kind enough to spare a minute or two to leave feedback on this product as it will help us improve our service to you the customer.
The Digital Stationer
Multiplication question worksheets up to 12x12
Mixed multiplication question test x5
Multiplication wheels worksheets up to 12x12
Multiplication square up to 12x12 - Fill in the blanks
Multiplication square up to 12x12 - Revision aid
Multiplication bookmarks - Fill in the blanks
PDF format (please set print option to fit)
Your feedback is really important to us. We provide quality products at affordable prices and really would appreciate your feedback. With that in mind, please be kind enough to spare a minute or two to leave feedback on this product as it will help us improve our service to you the customer.
The Digital Stationer
Year 2 - Multiplication & Division - Spring - Week 1 - Differentiated planning & resources.
See WEEK 2 or get the whole Block 1 BUNDLE (save 20%!)
It covers the small steps:
• Make equal groups - sharing
• Make equal groups - grouping
• Divide by 2
You will receive everything you need - lesson plans, presentation for the whole week, differentiated worksheets & answers, differentiated activities and extensions, templates and displays for your own resource creation.
In this pack you will get:
• Practical - Make equal groups - sharing
• Worksheets - Make equal groups - sharing
• Practical - Make equal groups - grouping
• Worksheets - Make equal groups - grouping
• Worksheets - Divide by 2
• Weekly lesson plan (editable & hyperlinked to resources)
• Weekly PowerPoint (labelled slides -fluency, reasoning and problem solving)
• Activity - Shared between
• Activity - Equal groups
• Activity - Colour by 2s
• Template - Singular equal groups
• Template - Number lines
• Template - Number tracks
• Display - Number frames
• Yearly overview - Small steps, NC links, TAF statements cross-mapping document
PDF format (please set print option to fit).
To ensure the hyperlinks fully work, you must download the Zip file provided and extract the folder to your computer. You must also ensure you have the latest update for your PDF reader.
The resources support a mastery approach to encourage a deeper understanding of the topics taught. It follows a CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach to ensure all children can access learning. The pack provides pictorial and abstract representations, along with fluency, reasoning, problem solving and open-ended investigation questions. This can be seen in our product previews.
If you have any questions, please email
Click here to join our exclusive Facebook group.
Thank you,
Primary Stars Education